The end of Summer is just around the corner…sigh…and whether you’re packing up your summer whites (SOOOO shameful to wear white after Labor Day), heading over to your friend’s cookout, enjoying some last-minute pool time for the season, or binge watching this or this, you’re surely taking advantage of an extra day (or two) off from work.

In between your R&R marathon, do yourself a favor and squeeze in some time to tackle your job search. There are more than a few reasons why you’ll thank me for pulling you out of your hazy afternoon nap (who doesn’t love a little snoozefest over a holiday weekend….AmIRight?) and investing a little time into pursuing your next great gig!

Check out my top three reasons why you should take advantage of the long holiday weekend to kickstart your career search!


This is pretty straightforward. You have a few extra days at your disposal. The hustle and bustle of your day-to-day life, from juggling work, family, friends, working out, etc., can be time consuming… and exhausting. Some days when I get home from a busy day at Catch, I am so drained that I joke that I can barely form sentences. I’m sure you’ve heard that finding a new job can be a full time job itself. If you’re really committed to your job search, this is true. So, take advantage of the extra time by getting online and searching! Here are some great resources to start your search…Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor!


My 15 years in recruiting and sales (gasp…I couldn’t possibly be THAT old), have taught me a lot about thinking ahead, and the impact that has on your business, and your client’s business. Most company’s fiscal year closes at the end of Q3 or Q4. That being said there are typically a lot of budget and hiring meetings that take place this time of year, oftentimes these will result in a final push to get a few more hires in the door before the end of the year. Take advantage of this, and you’ll have more to celebrate by New Years, than just reigning in 2019!

Top Access to Recruiters

Talented Recruiters will salivate over a holiday. They see the value in taking advantage of the extra time that the job-seeker has, when they are not usually available during a normal work week. Job postings are refreshed and re-posted, phone interviews are scheduled at all hours, and there is more (candidate) courting going on than an episode of Bachelor in Paradise…(currently my guiltiest of guilty pleasures….did I seriously admit that outloud?) Get ahead of any competing candidates, who are more interested in working on their tan than their job search, and become your Recruiter’s next great candidate!

If these suggestions sound a bit like you are Laboring over Labor Day, here’s a shortcut to get you started in the right direction! What are you looking for in your next great career?